Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Initial Ideas

The target audience for my student magazine is college students from 16 to 19; possibly older up to mid-twenties. I intend to maintain a "young" and "fresh" vibe throughout the magazine as well as making an attractive cover to gain interest from my target audience.  To do this, I will use bright colours on a white background with a large main image; this makes the magazine approachable in regards to the intended readers at the same time as showing that it includes serious information within; a cover with too much colour could be seen as silly and unimportant to the audience.

The information within the magazine will include the following:
  • Important news involving the college; varying from any urgent news to simple things such as lunch menus.
  • "Ones to watch" a section which promotes students who are doing extraordinary and exciting things outside or within college.
  • A media section including a line up of up-and-coming music gigs in the local area at various venues such as the Wedgewood and the Guildhall.
  • Other sections which are unrelated to college academics such as trips, possibly agony aunts and anything else related to the target audience. 
The main colour scheme will be green and blue with a white background; mimicking the colours of the college. This is to show relevance between the magazine and the target audience. My colours will stand out and be noticed in order to attract readers. 

The initial idea of my magazine is to give a relaxed view on important issues which need to be addressed to college students as well as bonding with them through other medias, such as film and music, to gain their continued interest. 

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